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Empfängt UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - Pakete auf dem Arduino und sendet diese an den auf PIN 6 angeschlossenen LED-Strip mit Adafruid WS 2811 - LEDs.
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Someone removed the driver for Brother HL2070N printer from Arch User Repository and I built it again.
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Thomas Maaß / avr-experimental-board
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - PermissivePCB for AVR experiments
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Ändert den Namen von Bilddateien vom Format der Kamera in yyyymmddHMS.$endung Vorerst nur für Sony ARW geeignet. Evtl. vorhandene .xmp Dateien werden ebenfalls angepasst.
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When you are not happy with the performance of your 434MHz controlled, battery powered Bubble machine you install an ESP32 and just h'eck it away ;)
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When you are not happy with the performance of your 434MHz controlled, battery powered Bubble machine you install an ESP32 and just h'eck it away ;)
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