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Infoscreen using push updates via server sent events
Built with #yii #bootstrap #jquery
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Documentation on how to get started with the hacksaar shared server. Read this documentation at http://getting-started.shared.local.hacksaar.de/
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Male mit dem Finger oder hinterlasse eine Nachricht!
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Someone removed the driver for Brother HL2070N printer from Arch User Repository and I built it again.
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make the hacksaar led strip show nice lights
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A MediaWiki extension which allows for inclusion of raw html from local files on the server (and accidentally also remote files via https)
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track all changes to the wordpress theme the-box
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Empfängt UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - Pakete auf dem Arduino und sendet diese an den auf PIN 6 angeschlossenen LED-Strip mit Adafruid WS 2811 - LEDs.